May 8, 2013

DIY Midi Rings

Oh my gosh, I feel like I haven't posted a DIY for you guys in so long! But, today I've got a good one. Lately I've really been loving the above the knuckle / midi ring trend. Compared to the giant bauble rings that I usually wear, I find these dainty little rings to be so pretty. However, I've been having a hard time finding where to buy them. Luckily, I've just discovered that they are so easy to make yourself!

All you need is some gold jewelry wire, small beads, wire cutters, round nose pliers, chain pliers, and a cylindrical object that is about the size of your finger. It is better that your cylindrical object be a little too big than a little too small if you can't find something that is the perfect size.

Start by cutting a small piece of gold wire, and wrap it around your cylinder once. Using the round nose pliers, begin to twist the end of the wire into itself. At this point, slip a bead onto the wire at this point, then continue to twist the wire into a spiral. Repeat this process on the other end of the wire. 

Now you have a brand new midi ring! So easy, right?

If you want to make a simple stacked-style ring, start by wrapping the wire around your cylinder as many times as you would like. Snip off any excess wire with your wire cutters. Then, so the ends of the wire don't poke your finger, bend them back and squish them together with your chain pliers like I've done in the photo below.

One little spool of gold wire will make dozens of these midi rings, so get creative and try a bunch of different styles so you can mix and match them. The more midi rings the better!


  1. Super cute and love the ones with the beads. Nice photos showing them off too!

  2. These are SO cute, and I'm loving the nailpolish too! ^__^

  3. My teen Girl Scout troop are making these tomorrow night. Thanks for the great idea!
    Troop 30199 Hopkins, MI

    1. Happy to hear it Lisa, I'd love to see how they come out! Good luck!

  4. So excited to try this with my middle school craft club

  5. This inspired me! I have tried this myself but I'm having difficulty making the swirl around the bead. does it just take practice? also what gauge is the wire? Thank you love the rings!!
