April 10, 2012

Geometric Mani

Want to know the secret to creating a funky geometric manicure? Scotch tape!

Stretch out a piece of scotch tape and paint it with the nail polish you want to use. Let it sit until it's dry. I waited about 20 minutes just to be safe.

In the meantime paint your nails a solid color. I chose white. It's ok if it's not perfect (perfection isn't my style anyway) because you can touch everything up later.

Make sure the polish is completely dry on your fingers AND on the tape.

Cut out teeny tiny geometric shapes from the tape.

Stick them on your nails anyway you like!

Add some more shapes! When you're satisfied with the look you've created, apply a clear topcoat of polish.

Rock on!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!
    Now that I have nails I will have to try it!!!
    Love, Mom
