April 30, 2012

Chalkboard Frame

This is a project I've been dying to do for a while, but I wanted to wait until I found the perfect frame to work with. Lucky for me, I found just the frame at a yard sale to the tune of $1. What a bargain!

First things first; the eagle had to go. 

The frame was in pretty good condition, but I did sand down some minor imperfections.

Next step; frog tape. I covered the entire mirror to avoid paint splatter.

I gave the frame a coat of primer.

Don't forget the back!

Once the primer dried, I painted over it with a couple coats of "Wedding Bell White" (leftover from the Kitchen Makeover).

When the paint was completely dry, I removed the frog tape from the mirror and then covered the frame. Next, I sprayed the mirror with a few coats of chalkboard paint. This is some pretty amazing stuff. With it, you can turn almost any surface into chalkboard!

The chalkboard paint needs to dry for 24 hours before the surface is ready to be used. So I waited... And by waited, I mean that I went to bed, went to work, came home and it was ready! I removed all the frog tape, hung it up on the wall and wrote a sweet little message. 

 I think this project was definitely worth the wait!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, how cool!!!
    What a transformation,
    I love the picture you start with the reflection in the mirror.
    Love, Mom
