March 6, 2012

Framed Children's Book

 As a graphic designer in the children's book publishing industry, the idea for this project came to me pretty naturally. Looking at children's books on a daily basis, I thought that by framing the pages of a favorite story book, I would be able to create nostalgia-invoking artwork. My first step was to choose my book, and I decided on Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey.

Since I was going to be taking the book apart, I picked up a used copy from Raven Used Books for a great price! I chose this book for a few reasons. I find the illustrations to be so unique - simple yet detailed at the same time. Also, since I work in Boston, the locations in the story are a part of my every day life. But most importantly, I chose this book because I loved it when I was little and knew I'd love seeing the artwork decorate my living room. 

Step 1:
Cut the binding. You'll be able to pull your pages out easily after this is done.

Step 2: 
Choose the pages you want to frame. I chose pages that I not only found to be the most visually appealing, but also that told key parts of the story. 

Step 3:
Use a ruler and an exacto knife to trim the edges of the pages to fit your frame.

Step 4:
Place the pages in the frames.

Step 5:
Prepare your wall space to hang the frames.

Step 6: hang your final pieces.

I'm really happy with how they came out!

Here are the ducklings at home in the Public Garden in Boston...


  1. this is awesome I'm going to try this... sometime I hope

  2. This is so awesome!!!
    Literacy is so important in all of our lives and you chose to make it fun and creative!! Nice job as usual Amy,
    Love, Mom

  3. What a great idea, Amy. AND it can be done with any book! Nice job!
