May 30, 2012

Aday Photo Project

On May 15th I participated in the worldwide Aday photo project where people around the world were asked to photograph their daily life on this one particular day and then share their photos online at The project was created to explore worldwide views of a single day and to inspire future generations through these photos.

I found this project to be so inspiring on a personal level. Even just at the end of the day I enjoyed being able to look through my photos to see what my average day looked like. The experience was so unique because it allowed me to look at my daily life in a new way, a chance to stop and smell the roses if you will. Although May 15th has come and gone for the Aday project, I encourage you to try this for your own personal experience. Pick up your camera (no need to be a professional photographer) and capture a day in the life of you.

Here are some of the photos I took for the Aday project...

Ahh the commute to work. I never noticed that my mornings were full of so many signs telling me where to go and where not to go! Walk. Stop. Go!

Springtime in the city means Farmer's Markets! 

And street performers!

Numbers guide me back to the office after lunch break. 

Bikes in the office...

and bikes outside.

My ride back home. Anyone who takes the redline home during commuting hours knows that this empty platform is quite deceiving. 

My day ended with dinner and a visit with my Nana where we spent hours chit chatting and looking at old photographs. She was so proud to show off this picture of my Papa from his days in the US Navy. 

I spent my day taking photos to inspire future generations only to end it inspired by a photo from a past generation. How perfectly fitting! 


  1. Wow, a day in the life of Amy!!!!
    Sounds like a song!!
    Keep on singing baby,
    Love, Mom

  2. This is such a great idea taking pictures through the day. I love the last picture of your grandmother with the photo!


  3. Thanks Kristen! It was so much fun doing this, you should definitely try it sometime! I was so glad that I was visiting my grandmother on this specific day, because I love this photo too :)
