March 27, 2012

Driftwood Accessory Hanger

Last week New England lived up to it's reputation by delivering unseasonable summer weather in the middle of March. I took full advantage by going for a run along the beach at the end of my street and soon found myself inspired. Typical. As I finished up my run and started my cool down (how convenient) I spotted this lovely piece of driftwood just sitting in the sand, free for the taking. I couldn't help myself.

I thought about using the driftwood to create a coat rack, but since I already have one of those I opted to make an accessory hanger instead. I could probably use at least 10 of these things. While continuing to take advantage of the warm weather, I took a stroll down Newbury in search of some dresser knobs to bring my project to life. Found some!

After that, all I needed to see this project through was tools from the ole tool drawer. Check out this drill! Who needs electricity when I have this awesome hand powered drill.

...and some drill bits.

Getting down to business, I placed the knobs at equally spaced intervals along the driftwood and marked their location.

Using the marvelous aforementioned hand drill, I drilled small holes at each mark. 


I attached the knobs as shown and tightened them in place. Things are really starting to come together now.

Once all the knobs were in place it was time to hang up the final piece! Seeing as mounting things to the wall is my kryptonite, I'll spare you my process and leave you to your own devices for that. I will gladly however, share this photo of my accessories on my brand new driftwood hanger! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy (belated) one year birthday Amy's blog. It seems like just yesterday you were just a tiny little link with only one post. Now you have grown and created so much wisdom for yourself. You are getting so big! You are making a huge spectrum of new friends. Pretty soon you will be an old soul.

    Happy Birthday!

